What You Will Learn

You will learn the following in this querying course:

  • An overview of traditional publishing and how literary agencies work in the United States⁠

  • The elements of a query letter⁠

  • Ways to format a query letter⁠

  • What types of comp titles to use⁠

  • How to write a stellar plot summary (also called a story blurb/book blurb)⁠

  • Specific vs. vague conflict⁠

  • What to include in your bio⁠

  • Why signatures are more important than you think⁠

  • An example of a query letter⁠

  • The best ways to hook a literary agent’s attention⁠

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Course Curriculum

About the Instructor

Meg LaTorre is an author of steamy science fiction and fantasy, YouTube darling, and founder of iWriterly. Formerly, she worked at a literary agency and has participated as an editor in several pitch contests, including RevPit and Pitch to Publication, and taught classes for Pitch Wars.


5 star rating

Excellent course!

Brandon Montgomery

I really enjoyed this course as I learned so much. I will keep revisiting this course as I query my novels.

I really enjoyed this course as I learned so much. I will keep revisiting this course as I query my novels.

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  • Who is this course for?

    This course is intended for writers with completed manuscripts who want to be traditionally published and get a literary agent. (If you want to self-publish, this is not the course for you.)

  • When should I take this course?

    I recommend waiting until you have a completed manuscript before taking this course. That way, you can tackle your plot summary once your book is done (and you know what your book is about, where it starts and ends, etc.).

  • What is the difficulty level of this course?

    This course is intended for authors new to querying or who have queried in the past and haven't experienced success.

  • Will you be critiquing queries at the end of the course?

    No, I do not provide personalized feedback on individual query letters after the course.

  • Is this course applicable if I don't live in the United States?

    Do you want to query literary agents in the United States? If so, this course would be applicable to you.

Can't Take the Course Right Now? Not to Worry!

Can't afford to take the course right now or not sure if it's for you? Not to worry! 

I have created tons of FREE content on the iWriterly YouTube channel. In addition, I have interviewed literary agents, editors, and traditionally published authors. 

Here are a few playlists that might be of interest to you:

  1. Rejections from Literary Agents
  2. Query Tips: Finding a Literary Agent
  3. Query and First Page Critiques
  4. Traditional Publishing Tips